PACM & DSA Newsletter
November/ December
Providing you with timely and relevant information to help you stay up-to-date with the fields of applied math and data science.
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DSA Fall 2021 Seminar Series
Wednesday, November 3rd | 5-6 PM
Jackie Malcolm
MN State Colleges and Universities Vice Chancellor of Information Technology
Virtual Presentation |
Wednesday, November 10th | 5-6 PM
Francisco Bravo
PhD Student, Central Queensland University
Virtual Presentation |
DSA Alumni Spotlight
with Matthew Bergey '20
Matt is a Supply Chain Analyst for Amazon where he creates and designs dashboard for operations and e-commerce.
How did your experience in DSA help you find your first job?: My work with SQL and Dashboards, such as Tableau, helped a lot. All the courses also helped train and reshape the way I thought about and used data.
What was your favorite part of program?: I enjoyed dashboards and creating visualizations the most. Geospatial programming was probably one of my favorite parts of the program. Using machine learning and pairing that with geospatial visualizations during my professional lab and internship was a highlight for me. I also appreciated all the professors I had during the program, they were amazing.
What advice do you have for current students?: Be passionate about everything you do and you’ll eventually find your favorite one.
DSA and PACM alumni, if you are interested in sharing information for a profile please complete this survey. |
The Meryl Streep of Mathematics
Ingrid Daubechies, is considered the grandmother of the digital image, she made a mathematical discovery which helps analyze images and information called the Daubechies Wavelet.
"Wavelets are versatile mathematical tools that can be thought of as a zoom lens, making it possible to spotlight the information that matters most in an image."
Her work has pervaded many areas of digital transformation including internet traffic, evolutionary morphology, electrocardiogram abnormalities, and art conservation. Learn more about her life (burning man, mental health, feminism and more) and the impact of her work in this article from The New York Times Magazine. |
Buffalo State Data Talk
Check out the most recent episode of Buffalo State Data Talk. Episode 12: SEO and Marketing, an interview with Nathan Hall from the Better Business Bureau
Episode 12 features part 2 of our two-part series with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). In this episode Nathan Hall shares his experiences as a SEO analyst who uses Adobe Analytics and Google Analytics to find anomalies and investigate the reason for changes in website traffic. He also supports multiple local BBB’s helping them to make data driven decisions and update their digital marketing based on algorithm changes. Listen to this episode to hear Nathan’s thoughts on how to know if being an analyst is right for you.
Episode 12: SEO and marketing, an interview with Nathan Hall from the Better Business Bureau
Data Now
Data science in the everyday
Dixie Fire
The first article in the October 11th Morning Newsletter from the NYT shares visualizations about the history of wildfires in California.

Covid and Age
Check out this New York Times article which contains data visualizations on the rates of hospitalization due to Covid-19 by age.

Faculty Pick 
Each newsletter a faculty member shares a relevant article, dashboard, visualization or video. This newsletter's faculty pick is Reneta Barneva, professor in the School of Business, SUNY Fredonia and DSA faculty.
Dr. Barneva selected the article Power of data in quantum machine learning, Nature 11 May 2021.
The methods used in data science have been known for centuries, but it became a discipline playing a substantial role in our lives only when the computers acquired enough memory and computational power to apply them for finding real-life solutions. Even if nowadays data is considered as the new commodity, there is still a significant gap between the recorded and the analyzed data, which is due to the limitations of the contemporary computers.
How to increase the power of the computers? One possibility is to apply the quantum computing approach. The information in the classical computers is saved in bits, as one bit can be in only one of the two distinct states denoted with 0 or 1. In contrast, the information in the quantum computers can be saved in qubits. Qubits can be in more than one physical state at a time and thus the amount of stored information could be significantly more. But how can something be in more than one physical state? Please watch the video about the double slit experiment, which can give you an idea. You may also want to check the popular article Quantum Computing and the Future of Big Data before you start reading the scientific article recommended above.
How do you envision our life when quantum computers become ubiquitous? Will the machines become smarter than the humans? How can an electron know that it is observed and change its behavior? As Stephen Hawking said “whoever can decipher Quantum has deciphered the language of the universe."
The DSA Coding Challenge
DSA students deepen your knowledge of Python programming by participating in the DSA Coding Challenge. These problems will explore specific skills expected of data scientist employees. New challenges are released the third Thursday of each month.
Coding Challenge 5 has been extended, DSA students have until Thursday November 4th to submit their responses. Don't forget to submit your responses to be in the running for the DSA Coding Challenge Champion Award!
Upcoming Events
- November 3rd: DSA Seminar: Jackie Malcolm
- November 3rd: Registration opens (check banner for your registration date)
- November 5th: Course Withdrawal due
- November 10th: DSA Seminar: Francisco Bravo
- November 24th - 27th: Thanksgiving recess
- December 10th: Last day of Instruction
- December 16th: Last day of the Fall semester
Thank you for your support! Want to share the PACM and DSA newsletter? Forward this newsletter to a friend or have them sign up here. |
Do you have a journal article, dashboard, news article you want to share? Email your suggestions to Heather Campbell at campbehm@buffalostate.edu. |
Copyright © 2020 Buffalo State PACM and DSA, All rights reserved. |